Disability Scholarships

Ghivan Adi


Obtaining a college education is a dream for many individuals, but for students with disabilities, this dream can sometimes feel out of reach. The financial burden and additional challenges they face can make pursuing higher education seem impossible. However, disability scholarships provide a ray of hope, offering financial assistance and support to empower these students. In this article, we will explore the world of disability scholarships, their impact, and the opportunities they create for students with disabilities.

What are Disability Scholarships?

Disability scholarships are financial awards specifically designed to support students with disabilities in their pursuit of higher education. These scholarships aim to alleviate the financial burden that often accompanies disability-related expenses, such as assistive technology, specialized equipment, and medical care.

Unlike traditional scholarships, disability scholarships take into account the unique challenges faced by students with disabilities. These awards are typically merit-based or need-based and can cover various aspects of college expenses, including tuition fees, books, accommodation, and transportation.

