TIMUN MAS Long time ago in a small village lived an old woman who named mbok rondho.She lived alone, her husband died. She wanted to have a child. So one day, she met buto ijo to ask a child. Buto ijo gave her cucumber seed. He said if the cucumber seed was planted, it would grow to be a big cucumber and in the big cucumber there was a beautiful baby. Buto ijo said again,” I want to take her when she is 16 years old. Based on the text, Buto Ijo wanted to take Timun Mas when she was?


TIMUN MAS Long time ago in a small village lived an old woman who named mbok rondho.She lived alone, her husband died. She wanted to have a child. So one day, she met buto ijo to ask a child. Buto ijo gave her cucumber seed. He said if the cucumber seed was planted, it would grow to be a big cucumber and in the big cucumber there was a beautiful baby. Buto ijo said again,” I want to take her when she is 16 years old. Based on the text, Buto Ijo wanted to take Timun Mas when she was?

  1. 14 years old
  2. 15 years old
  3. 16 years old
  4. Semua jawaban benar
  5. Semua jawaban benar

Jawaban: C. 16 years old.

Dilansir dari Ensiklopedia, timun mas long time ago in a small village lived an old woman who named mbok rondho.she lived alone, her husband died. she wanted to have a child. so one day, she met buto ijo to ask a child. buto ijo gave her cucumber seed. he said if the cucumber seed was planted, it would grow to be a big cucumber and in the big cucumber there was a beautiful baby. buto ijo said again,” i want to take her when she is 16 years old. based on the text, buto ijo wanted to take timun mas when she was 16 years old.

