Contoh Soal Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 SD/MI Beserta Jawabannya

Ghivan Adi

Halo adik-adik, pada kesempatan kali ini mimin akan membagikan contoh soal mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 3 SD.

Seperti yang kita ketahui, pada musim-musim menuju Ujian seperti sekarang ini adik-adik harus membiasakan diri mengerjakan soal-soal latihan.

Berikut soal-soal latihan mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 3 SD

1. Is this a horse games?./ The English sentence is.
a. Is that a dog?
b. Is that giraffe
c. Is that a horse?
d. Is this a cat?

2. a – that – tiger – is./ The correct order is.
a. This is a tiger
b. That is a tiger
c. A tiger
d. Is that a tiger?

3. Animals in Indonesia are.
a. Savage
b. message
c. An animal
d. plant

4. The nose, eyes and ears are part of us.
a. Bodi
b. the feet
c. stomach
d. head

5. We have two ears./ The Indonesian sentence is.
a. We have two fingers
b. We have two hands
c. We have two eyes
d. We have two ears

6. Mouth in Indonesian.
a. Gigi
b. lip
c. tongue
d. mouth

7. That is the ruler,/ The English sentence is.
a. This is the ruler
b. That table
c. That is a flag
d. This is a book

8. is – that is – my finger./ The correct order is.
a. Is this my finger?
b. This is my finger
c. This is my finger
d. My finger is that

9. Mr. Budi has a son. His name is Muhammad Seperti
A: “What is Pak Budi doing for Muhammad?”
B: “Mr. Budi is Muhammad Laksanas.
a. mother
b. sibling
c. father
d. sibling

10. Sinta is my younger sister./ The Indonesian sentence is.
a. Sinta is my mother
b. Sinta is my aunt
c. Sinta is my sister
d. Sinta is my younger sister

11. Grandma in Indonesia is.
a. mother
b. aunt
c. grandmother
d. sibling

12. Older brothers in.
a. Sister
b. Younger sister
c. Younger brother
d. Older brother

13. t-e-n-o-w-t-y-e-n./ The right word is.
a. Twenty-two
b. thirty-one
c. twenty-one
d. Thirty-nine

14. Forty-nine in Indonesian.
a. Four nine
b. forty-eight
c. nineteen
d. Forty-nine

15. What number after forty-six?.
a. 49
b. forty-eight
c. Forty-seven
d. forty-five

16. This is number twenty-seven./ The English sentence is.
a. This is number seventeen
d. This is number seventy
c. That’s number twenty-six
d. This is number twenty-seven

17. The Council in Indonesian is.
a. Eucalyptus
b. table
c. Whiteboard
d. Eraser

18. is – pencil – your – that -? The correct order is.
a. Is this your pencil?
b. Is that your pencil?
c. Is that your pencil?
d. This pencil is from you?

19. This is a bag./ Sentece Indonesia.
a. This is a basket
b. This is a ball
c. This is a flag
d. That’s a bag

20. Bayu is learning./ The English sentence is.
a. Bayu reads
b. Bayu is swimming
c. Bayu sings
d. Bayu is studying

Kunci Jawaban

1. c
2. c
3. c
4. d
5. d
6. d
7. a
8. c
9. c
10. d
11. c
12. d
13. c
14. d
15. c
16. d
17. c
18. c
19. d
20. d

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